A little bit about me!

The taste of excitement from new skills drives me, and I strive to deliver unique and impactful solutions. I believe mutual understanding between people is the way towards effective results.

UX UI Design

A good experience is not just about pretty visuals, it is also about proper navigation, accessibility, readability, user testing and improvements. 

Web Design

I deliver well designed and easy to navigate websites with keywords to help your site get discovered easily.

Graphic Design

Stand out with attention grabbing designs that aligns with your branding!  


Incorporating bold illustrations sometime is a unique way to stand out from your competitors. 

My Story

What I love the most about Australia is the supportive attitude and opportunities offered to high school students studying art & design. This kind of support slowly dissolved my feeling of being displaced from my hometown China. Eventually, design became something I want to pursuit in my life. 

As I got older, I became aware of the possibilities of humans becoming cyborgs. As strange as it may sound, that’s what actually sparked my interest in UX and UI design. How would that kind of interaction work? How will our daily lives look like? In the near future I’m keen to work with other UX designers while continue to illustrate as a hobby. I’m always up for a challenge and make new friends, connect with me on LinkedIn and let’s grab a coffee! Contact me if you are a local artist, I make free artwork mock ups for you to show on your website or to your client! 

… At Heart is a phrase that explains the inner nature of a person (or a personified being).

I work with people and we solve people problems. I want to understand the problem and connect with my clients, colleagues and users at their core – the heart (metaphorically). I believe that’s crucial to establishing rapport and minimise misunderstanding working together. So I wish work would be more ‘free of mind and happy of heart’. It also serves as a reminder to myself as an illustrator, to look within and at the core aspects, not just the shapes of the objects.

When I arrived in Australia, the name my parents put down on the form that declared me as a permanent resident was “Xinyi Zhou”. It is my Chinese name and it came from an idiom 心旷神怡 meaning “free of mind and happy of heart”. It has since been my official name but I’m known as Angela. Both my English and Chinese names are quite common, I couldn’t register a domain with just my name like many other designers. I wanted my domain name to represent me and remind myself of my original intentions as a designer while being simple to remember.