Meditote is a brand that aims to support the well-being of Australian GP (general practitioners) and promote mental and physical health awareness.


Graphic Design


Merchandise, Branding, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate

Do you know how the Australian medical system works? Australian GPs are often not properly funded by the government, so some practices that offer free consultations can’t afford to spend more time with their patients in order to make enough money. If they continue to provide free services then this cycle will not stop. A lot of practices have started to charge patients in order to provide proper health care. But many people don’t understand why and don’t understand how the “rebate” system works. To put it simply, patients get a partial refund from the government if they see a practice that charges money. 


Meditote is the initial prototype of an ambitious project I started. I want Meditote to be help people understand the importance of their health and the current situation of our medical system so people will know to choose where they see their family doctors. Meditote is a brand that wants to spread a positive message using funky illustrations. This series is about rare/interesting medical terms, and eventually there will be more illustrations for every disease that people can identify with. Hopefully once people connects with the product, they will also look into understanding the brand – and the story behind its creation where they learn about these things. 

See more of my works

  • Rice Asian Meal Kit Website

  • Chinese and Australian Women Artist Exhibitions 2020 -2022

  • Sun Health Clinic

  • Meditote

  • WeGrow Urban Farming App

  • Marine Species Data Visualisation

  • Asian Meal Kit – Survey writing and analysis